Grief Witch Card Pull

September 28, 2022

Mercury is in retrograde until October 2, and it is fucking my shit up! Today’s reading tracks those quintessential mercury retrograde communication difficulties.

(1) Inverted King of Swords is serving shitty dynamics with our lovers, trouble communicating in love and at work (thanks, Mercury!), and feeling stuck in rigid, unhelpful thinking.

(2) Reversed Ace of Cups marks how drained we are feeling, that our emotional bandwidth feels depleted, and that we are clinging to generally unhelpful and unkind thoughts about ourselves.

(3) The Queen of Pentacles is closing us out and reminding us to take a beat for some self care and grounding exercises. She is inviting us to be tender towards ourselves, and we should take her up on that invitation! She is the solution to the funk of the first two cards and here to remind us grief witches to turn our nurturing magick inward for now.